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Hailing from Jacksonville, Florida, Skyliner is a hurricane of any and all shades of traditional and power metal, with a progressive mind’s eye at the center of the storm. Built on a vicious DIY attitude, entirely self-made and contained, Skyliner has never compromised, either in evolving and perfecting their art since the first demo in 2005, or in delivering (literally) explosive live shows in metal-hostile territory, ever providing the local scene with a dose of healthy fear. In the compositions, Skyliner throws away the life jackets, providing an emotional punch to the gut centered around personal tragedy, victory, and spiritual exploration rather than latching onto the tried-and-true/tried-and-failed fantasy concepts often prevelant in metal descended from the traditional style. There won’t be any shelter found musically, either, as the band eschews the overproduced notion of modern metal and lets the raging riffs, fluid leads, deluge of bass, thundering drums/percussion, commanding vocals, and pulse of keyboards all flow equally together but seperate, forming a unique surge of power that never leaves out the blood, rain, sweat, or tears. In 2013, Skyliner signed a worldwide record deal with Limb Music Germany and will be releasing the full-length debut, ‘Outsiders’, mixed and mastered by Jamie King (Scale The Summit, Between The Buried And Me), in the first half of 2014.

At its dark heart, Skyliner is a tide of discontent and a voyage to freedom, and the tempest has now arrived to devastate all islands of fraud. The waves are shifting. The condition - black. You’ve been warned.